Guided Group Journaling Sessions

Every month I offer a guided group journaling session around a theme and questions inspired by my own Inner Voice and the collective energy of the moment. Come ready with your journal, a pen, and the willingness to go deep into your Inner Voice for answers. This is a great way to practice tapping into your own Inner Voice in a way you can easily repeat on your own time, especially if Inner Voice work is new to you.

Previous Events


Allowance & Acceptance

June 2021 Gathering

At the crux of our discomfort and discord in life is often a lack of allowance and acceptance of all. In other words, a blocking or rejection of a piece of what we face or feel out of fear, misunderstanding, or the rigid beliefs we carry around with us. Allow your IV to guide you further in the direction of a fuller, more conscious awareness of what is ready and safe to be shifted, accepted, and allowed by you at this moment in your life and why.

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Vulnerability & Being Seen

May 2021 Gathering

Get beneath and behind what’s holding you back from being fully seen. In this one hour guided journaling session, you’ll ask your Inner Voice what’s holding you back from showing up as your truest essence, what parts of you are still living in the shadows, and how to coax new and more parts of who you are out and into the world to be seen.

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Direction & Discernment

April 2021 Gathering

Hear from your Inner Voice around the theme of finding direction when you feel like you don't have one and how to discern what is in fact the right next step and what isn't. This 45-minute session will take you on a journey into this theme and leave you with guidance to help you navigate the crossroads and great unknowns in your life now and in the future.

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Faith & Trust

March 2021 Gathering

In this 45-minute session, we explore the meaning of faith and trust from the perspective of your own Inner Voice. I’ll guide you down for you to discover for yourself what things you are ready to bring more faith and trust to in your life and why it’s truly safe to do so.

Interested in working together one-on-one rather than in a group setting?