This is Who I Am

Who I am right now has nothing to do with my job title (or lack thereof), my name, or the place I call home. I’m not a travel writer. That’s just something I do. I’m not Amber. That’s just what I’m called. I’m not American or an expat in Oaxaca. Those are just places that have played a part in shaping who it is I actually am. Can you imagine if we stopped identifying and defining ourselves by our jobs, names, and where we live. Who are we with all of that aside?

This is who I am.

I am constantly shedding old skin, previous versions of myself that I’ve outgrown.

I am always with one eye on the horizon in expectant waiting while I navigate what’s right in front of me too. In other words, I am hopeful.

I am connected to my intuition and trust it something fierce.

I am aware that any setbacks are usually temporary and that often they trigger a growth spurt if I let them.

I am patient and forgiving when I make mistakes, or when others do.

I am relentlessly driven and ambitious when it comes to living the life of my dreams.

I am a student of life and proud of it.

I am intrigued by the spiritual realm and the magic and energy we can’t physically see.

I am not used to letting people into my life so publicly, but I’m learning to start.

I am trusting, sometimes to a fault.

I am more heart-driven than mind-driven these days.

I am creative and impulsive in what I do create. When inspiration knocks, I answer.

I am most comfortable expressing myself through words on a page than words through my lips.

I am intuitive and empathic, feeling everything and everyone’s energy and emotions around me. This sometimes makes me tired.

I am someone who can see beyond what might be showing on the surface. This is my superpower.

I am determined to carve my own path, instead of following paths that don’t truly fit.

I am content with the big picture coming into focus as I go, or even after the fact.

I am impatient when obstacles cross my path, but learning to trust that they’re for me not against me.

I am trusting that there is a path I’m walking, even if it’s not as direct and apparent as most.

This is who I am. Who are you?


What’s Updates Vol. 6


What’s Updates Vol. 5