What’s Updates Vol. 10

Finally, I'm free. After the emotional storm I wrote about in my last update, my inner world has received quite the makeover. And now, the outer world I dream of, has room to arrive.

I write this update from a much different place than where I wrote the last update. Physically and emotionally.

I’m now physically in Ashburn, VA at my Dad’s, where I’ll be spending the Christmas holiday with him and my siblings. Emotionally, I’m now so much more aware of the thoughts that put me in that post-Thanksgiving emotional funk.

Fortunately, that costly funk wasn’t so costly. My boyfriend did end up breaking the pause in our relationship that he had understandably asked for while I was a hot mess. Thank God. And we’re now even stronger together than we were pre-pause. Thank God.

In terms of my finances and future career prospects, I’m still very much unsure of where the financial flow will be coming from when it does, but I do know it will flow when I’m ready for it.

Since my last update, a major transformation has been taking place in my mind. Though the post-Thanksgiving tears and misdirected outbursts were entirely unflattering, it was necessary for the purge and shifting of the beliefs and emotions that were holding me back sub-consciously and keeping me oh so stuck. I can honestly say I weathered the storm and I’m far more sound should another one roll in.

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been focused on re-writing the stories I tell myself about my life and my circumstances. I’m understanding what it really means to have faith in yourself and in God/Source/The Universe and how our very words, thoughts, and actions are what dictate what it is we’re ready to receive, attract, and allow into our lives. They are damn powerful.

During this introspection, I’ve realized that I’ve been doing several things wrong. I may have taken the brave step of quitting my job and allowing God to re-align my life to its best-suited path, but what I didn’t do…

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This is where I’ll be sending these weekly updates in full. Paid subscribers (optional) will also receive some journal questions to ponder based on the themes of the week’s update plus a few other perks, like trip planning services and discounts on Inner Voice sessions.

P.S. If you’ve been at all curious about Inner Voice (a.k.a. connecting to the voice of your intuition), now’s a great time to indulge that curiosity. I’m offering a special pay-what-you-can 90-minute session to support you in your end-of-year reflections, new year intention setting, and perhaps most importantly, releasing and re-processing of any lingering emotions you don’t want to bring with you into the New Year. If you’re interested, you can pick any of the available days and times on the calendar here. I’ll be offering these now through January 31, 2022. Questions? Just reach out!


First Impressions of Guatemala


What’s Updates Vol. 9