What’s Updates Vol. 9

It was a Thanksgiving to remember, one that dished up more than turkey and stuffing and left me with a renewed sense of what it is I'm to focus on next...hopefully with my relationship still intact🤞.

I’ve been out of Oaxaca and in the States for a little over two weeks now. I wish I could say the transition between worlds has been smooth, but that’s far from what’s unfolded.

I’ve been doing this twice-yearly dance of flying home from whichever Latin American destination I’m living in, and each time what I walk into is somewhat of a shock to the senses. It takes me some time to find my rhythm in the new surroundings and new company.

This time, what I flew into was the ever unfolding arrival of each of my family members. My youngest sister first, then my brother and sister-in-law the next day, and finally my other sister and her now fiance the day after. Plus there was my mom and then her cousins who sailed in (literally) just in time for Thanksgiving. It was a hit the ground running energy, full of events, late nights, early mornings, lots of food, no routines, and…a major reality check that was brewing in the background while I bobbed in the chaos and companionship of my family and the festive air.

When the dust settled and the last of the siblings had departed, all of the energy and emotion I’d been pushing down for the right moment to feel poured out of me. I was drowning in my own tears, only vaguely aware of what it was I was emoting about. Only now do I have a semblance of an idea and unfortunately a relationship on the rocks as a result…

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What’s Updates Vol. 10


What’s Updates Vol. 8